
A channel defines one or more method of delivering alert notifications to external systems.

Notification Delivery Channels

Email Channel

One or more email address (comma separated) that will receive messages from

PagerDuty Channel

Trustgrid will generate an incident via the PagerDuty API if provided a valid API routing key.

OpsGenie Channel

Trustgrid will generate an incident via the OpsGenie API if provided a valid API key with read and create and update permissions.

Slack Channel

Trustgrid can post the event data to a configured channel via a webhook.

Optionally, you can configure the slack event to be posted with formatting to make it easier to read as opposed to raw JSON.

Slack format option checkbox

Microsoft Teams Channel

Trustgrid can post event data to a configured Teams channel via an incoming webhook

Example Event Data

The event data is delivered in JSON, as shown below, which depending on the integration can allow for additional parsing.

Example Event JSON

	"nodeName": "edge1", /* Name of the node that the event relates to */
	"expires": 1604801325, /* Unix epoch timestamp when this event will expire and automatically resolve */
	"level": "INFO", /* Alert severity */
	"eventType": "Node Disconnect", /* Matches to the event types */
	"source": "EKG",
	"message": "Node disconnected",
	"type": "Alert",
	"orgId": "8e1c2c05-2c86-4b1b-a0cc-############",
	"GS1PK": "Org#8e1c2c05-2c86-4b1b-a0cc-############",
	"_ct": {},
	"uid": "1jwV1R2R6itQUjPza9yqTE8a8zu",
	"GS1SK": "Alert#1jwV1R2R6itQUjPza9yqTE8a8zu",
	"_md": {},
	"domain": "",
	"SK": "Alert#Node Disconnect",
	"_tp": "Alert",
	"PK": "Node#0895b104-5434-447b-8577-############",
	"state": "UNKNOWN",
	"nodeId": "0895b104-5434-447b-8577-############",
	"timestamp": 1604714923, /* Unix epoch timestamp when the event was first triggered */
	"channelID": "bc47ca84-1d04-454b-bedc-a55d1a917c0e", /* The unique id of the channel used to deliver this message. */
	"notes": ["Text from Description Field"],
	"alarmIDs": [ 
		/* A list of alarm filters that matched the event */

Example Formatted Slack Event

Below is an example of a formatted Slack event.

Example Slack Event