Virtual Network Port Forwards

Virtual Network Port Forwards allow a virtual IP address to be associated with a TCP Layer 4 service on a remote node or cluster without the need to specify a route for that virtual IP address.
Example Virtual Network Port Forward


As noted above, a Virtual Network Port Forward (or remote port forward) associates a service defined on a node or cluster with a virtual IP address within the virtual network without needing to specifically route that IP to the node/cluster.

Any node attached to the virtual network that receives VPN traffic destined for the configure IP and port will proxy the connection and send the traffic to the target node which will then send the traffic to the IP and port configured for the target service.

Field NameDescription
Virtual IP AddressVirtual IP address assigned to the port forward.
Virtual PortTCP port on which the port forward will listen for connections.
Destination NodeNode or Cluster where the target service is defined.
Destination ServiceService that traffic for the virtual IP and virtual port will be forwarded to. Alternately, you can specify an IP and port local to the destination node.