Configuration Update Failure Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting nodes that are unable to pull their latest configurations


  • Changes made via the portal or api are not implemented on the actual node
  • In versions after 20240719, the Configuration Update Failure event will be sent by appliance nodes
    Example Configuration Update Failure event


Possible causes include:

  • The node is unable to resolve DNS names, in this case specifically
  • The node is unable to connect to the the entire Trustgrid Control Plane networks on port 8443


These steps should be performed via the Terminal or the appliance console Network Tools Shell.

  1. Test DNS Resolution
    1. Determine the configured DNS server by viewing the WAN interface in the portal.
    2. Use dig @<DNS IP> +short to confirm you get a response from each of your DNS servers. E.g. if the appliance is configured to use and use the commands dig @ +short and dig @ +short
    3. If the above does not resolve, make sure any firewall or access control list between the node and the WAN interface IP allows the IP to make DNS connections to the configured DNS servers on TCP & UDP port 53. If it successfully resolves, continue to the next step.
  2. Confirm Network connectivity to the rest api endpoint with the command
    nc -vz 8443
    1. If this succeeds as shown in this image proceed to the next troubleshooting step.
    2. If this fails, confirm any firewall or access control list allows connectivity to all required control plane networks on TCP port 8443.
  3. Follow these instructions to verify nothing is interfering with the TLS certificate chain.
  4. Attempt to run the command:
    The expected output is
    {"error":"node not authorized"}
    1. If you receive no response this indicates the connection is still failing.
    2. If you receive a different response Trustgrid support will likely need to assist in troubleshooting.