August Release focusing on general improvements and fixes
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Cluster Site Health Improvements
Since introducing our cluster site health state feature there have been several instances where the state was being reported incorrectly. This release has taken steps to prevent that and has also introduced a new tool to force validating the health state in the event the state does appear incorrect.
Validate Health action
The protocol field which used to only display either TCP or TCP/UDP is now called Ports and it lists the port in use for each protocol.
Links have been added to the far right column for MTR and Trace Route. When used these will populate the appropriate fields in each tool to do a Trace Route or MTR to a gateway peer on the TCP port in use. This makes it easier to troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Data Plane panel with ports and Trace Route/MTR links
Other Improvements
Nodes now display their operating system (OS) version information in the infovisor and it can also be added as a column to the Nodes table
We now display the physical interface names assigned by the OS on the interfaces panel. This name is sometimes needed when running tools such as the Sniff Traffic.
It is now possibly for customers to generate and download Debug Logs from a Trustgrid node. This can be handy when working with Trustgrid support to troubleshoot issues.
You can now select multiple protocols, IPs or ports when using the Sniff Virtual Traffic VPN tool.
Alarm Filter Tag Matches can now be set to Any or All. Any would cover a scenario where you want to match say Environment=ProdOREnvironment=Test. All would cover if you wanted a filter to match something like Environment=ProdANDRegion=EAST