Sniff Traffic Interface Tool

Monitor network traffic on a local interface in realtime

The Sniff Traffic tool allows you to monitor traffic on a local network interface in realtime within the Trustgrid portal. Only the header information such as source and destination IPs, TCP flags, sequence numbers, etc. are displayed.

Using Sniff Interface Traffic

  1. Login to the Trustgrid portal and navigate to the Node from which you want to view traffic.
  2. Select Interfaces under the Network section. Then from the dropdown select the interface whose traffic you want to monitor.
    Selecting the desired interface
  3. Click the Sniff Traffic button.
  4. Set the Interface and Filters to match the traffic you wish to monitor.
    Field NameDescription
    InterfaceThe interface name. This should be auto-populated with the interface selected above. If not, either click the Reset Default button or erase the interface name and select from the list.
    FilterThe tool utilizes TCPDump filtering syntax, which can help isolate interesting traffic. The below filter would show only ICMP and TCP traffic. See the useful filters below for a quick introduction.
  5. Click Execute to view the captured traffic
    Example output of sniffing interface traffic

Useful Filters

The below filters can be combined using “and” & “or” without quotes

  • You can filter based on protocol such as “tcp”, “udp”, or “icmp” without quotes
  • Best practice is to filter for what you want to see rather than filter out what you don’t want to see
  • To see only traffic for a specific host use “host x.x.x.x” with the IP address in place of the x.x.x.x
  • To see only traffic for a specific port use “port XXXX” replacing the XXXX with the desired port number
  • If capturing traffic on a clustered node, you should filter out the cluster port traffic. Typically port 9000 or 1975. E.g., not port 9000
  • If capturing on the ETH0 - WAN Interface, you should filter out traffic to both Trustgrid’s network ( and your data plane gateways’ network or public IP. You’ll need to identify the actual network or IPs. E.g., not net and not net X.X.X.X/X or not net and not host X.X.X.X.