TCP Port Test

Simple TCP port connectivity test tool on using local IPs

The TCP Port Test tool initiates a TCP session with a target IP address and port to confirm fully layer 4 connectivity. This would be similar to using netcat or telnet to test connectivity to a TCP port.


  1. Login to the Trustgrid portal and navigate to the Node from which you want to test connectivity.
  2. Select Interfaces under the Network section.
  3. Click the Interface TCP Port Test button
    Selecting TCP Port Test
  4. Update the host with the target IP address and the port with the target TCP port. Click Execute to test connectivity.
    Configuring the TCP Port Test
  5. A new window will open with the results. If a new window does not open, check your browser’s pop-up blocker settings.
    • A successful test will look like this:
      Successful TCP Port Test result
    • A failed connection will depend on the nature of the failure. Examples include
      • A connection actively refused (e.g. possibly firewall/ACL rejecting connections)
        Connection refused result
      • A connection timeout or no route message if there is no response (e.g. firewall/ACL dropping connection, bad destination IP, or no route to destination)
        No route to host result